ALGOrithmic Design EXecution and logic
Theory + Work + Program
Maruzen-publishing (Japan)
text : Japanese
This volume is realized through links between the text and programs on a related website.
The programs that it contains are all original and most of them can be downloaded from the website and used freely.
The first programs in the INDUCTION DESIGN/INDUCTION CITY project appeared in 1994.
The programs published here are functional upgrades to those programs and new programs.
This volume is a practical companion to two earlier books:
Kentiku wa yawarakai kagaku ni tikazuku [Architecture approaches flexible science] (2006), and
Algorithmic Design (collaboration: The Architectural Institute of Japan, 2009).
The former book was the first in Japan (and probably the world) to provide a systematic and comprehensive treatment of algorithmic design.
Other related works include INDUCTION DESIGN (English edition : Birkhäuser, 2002; Italian edition Testo & Immagine, 2004).
The website features descriptions of the INDUCTION CITIES, INDUCTION DESIGN, and ALGODesign projects and related works.